Angus is an ultra-endurance athlete, adventurer and the most successful ocean rower in the history of the sport.

In 2014 he rowed the Indian Ocean, from Australia to the Seychelles in 71 days, setting the World Record for the fastest and youngest four man team to row the route. In 2015 he rowed the Atlantic Ocean, winning the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge and setting a race record.

This wasn't enough for Angus, who wanted the world record, so a year later he was back on the Atlantic, and after 35 days of rowing, he and his team successfully broke the World Record.

In June 2021, Angus set out to become the first person to hold a speed record in all three of the major oceans. Rowing across the Pacific from San Francisco to Hawaii, Angus and his team smashed the World Record by over a week, setting a new time of 31 days. 

The sport of ocean rowing consists of rowing 12 hours a day, in shifts of two hours on, two hours off. The boat is completely unsupported so crews have to take enough food and supplies to last them their entire voyage. These challenges have a huge effect on the body, but ultimately it is the mind the gets the rower through. 

On dry land, Angus has trekked across Papua New Guinea and run 250km ultra marathons in Scotland and Cornwall (UK).

Angus is now a Positive Psychologist, coaching individuals and teams to use their strengths to ensure peak performance. His research projects on heart rate variability (HRV) and positive psychological interventions have shown that ones mind can only hit peak performance if the body allows it. 

We are delighted to welcome an athlete of Angus’ calibre to FRONTIER SUPPLEMENTS and look forward to working with him on future projects.